About us
The Center for Asian Affairs brings together professionals dealing with Asian issues. CAA's mission is to present a real and objective picture of changes, challenges and successes of Asian countries concerning Polish, EU and global policy.
The Centre for Asian Affairs monitors the situation in East Asia and Southeast Asia, prepares analyses, reports, recommendations for state institutions at the central and local level, business environment institutions and entrepreneurs, and the wider public opinion. We combine theoretical knowledge with experience gained during studies and work in China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam.
The research associates and research fellows at the Centre for Asian Affairs are a group of people with experience in Asian countries. All have been dealing with the political, social and economic issues of this region for years. Each of the experts has studied and worked in the region's countries and have a fluent command in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese languages.
The Centre for Asian Affairs carries out scientific, research and commercial projects related to analysing the political, economic and social situation in Asia. The CAA research associates and research fellows participate in projects financed by the National Science Center, the European Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, KGHM Polska Miedź, as well as local government authorities and business institutions.

"The Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Łódź is the first university based think-tank in Poland which brings together experts in Asian affairs. The monthly publications significantly contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of East Asia, and the CAA team provides support and the factual and independent background for the political and business activities in the region. Through projects carried out in the international consortium EastAsiaNet and with Nankai University, NCN, KGHM, IDUB UŁ or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, the Centre's activities are an important part of Asian research centers on the national and international scale."
Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Żądzińska
Rector of the University of Lodz

"不闻不若闻之, 闻之不若见之, 见之不若知之, 知之不若行之"
“Not having heard something is not as good as having heard it;
having heard it is not as good as having seen it;
having seen it is not as good as knowing it;
knowing it is not as good as putting it into practice.”