Strona tytułowa opracowania "Instrumentów Osobliwych Wyspy Szczęśliwe" w odcieniach bieli i czerwieni z logiem Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w lewym górnym rogu oraz logiem Ośrodka Spraw Azjatyckich w prawym górnym rogu





The Peculiar Instruments from Happy Islands: tales of Asian instruments - is the title of a series of twelve films and articles devoted to Asian musical instruments, implemented under the "Culture in the network" scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. A set of articles published over a three-month period were compiled in an e-book for free download. This popular science publication covers twelve musical instruments from China, Taiwan, and Japan, including guzheng, guqin, xiao, pipa, erhu, yehu, hulusi, yueqin, shakuhachi, koto, yakumogoto, and ichigenkin. This story touches upon many fundamental concepts in the field of East Asian culture, incl. the aesthetics of Chinese erudites, the aesthetics of Zen, the character of Chinese holidays and traditions, the multinationality of China, and the Chinese diaspora. The description of the instruments is not devoid of personal reflection, based on the author's experience. Download the entire study here.