Po lewej stronie notatki i laptop, na środku napis "Obligatory module", a po prawej stronie studenci podczas wykładu/On the left side of the note and a laptop, in the middle the inscription "Obligatory module", on the right side the students during the lecture


The obligatory courses describe the basic situation in Poland throughout the historical, economical, sociological and bilateral relations perspective. It will also present Polish achievements in the field of mathematical sciences.

In first part the students will acquire the knowledge on Polish history since the Medieval times to modern times. The courses brings the students to areas of relations between Poland and Central Europe during the Medieval times, then to Poland and Lithuania Commonwealth, the period of partitions 1795-1918 and Polish modern transformation. Special attention will be paid to the history of Lodz – the industrial city where the student from China will stay during the summer school. We offer special courses on post-industrial heritage of the city of Lodz, with its revitalization projects like New Center of Lodz City and special workshop in the Museum of Art.

Moreover Chinese students will enjoy the special Polish languange classes. We will teach „survival Polish” and Chinese students will be taught basic Polish sentences that allow them to contact with Polish people. The course will be conducted by experienced Polish language teacher. Our Chinese friends will feel Polish language flavour!

Finally we also offer special workshop on China and Poland conducted in Chinese by University of Lodz scholars. The special workshop is dedicated to discussing issues of Visegrad Four, 16+1 and European Union cooperation with China. The major point of the meeting is divided to the role of local authorities in shaping Sino-Polish relations. Prior to this workshop the lecture on Sino-Polish relations will be delivered in Chinese.




