The summer school Understanding Poland: Economy, Society and Science offered by the University of Lodz is the first of this kind in Poland. Acknowledging the importance of strategic bilateral relations between Poland and China, as well as the relations between Lodz and other cities in China and the partners of the University of Lodz, strengthening cooperation in logistic with Chengdu-Lodz Express Way (Rong-Oukuai tie) we offer special summer school dedicated to the Chinese universities. The cooperation and better understanding is a crucial factor for having better and more effective relations between our nations. During 10 days of summer school at the University of Lodz students from China will acquire better understanding and knowledge of Polish history, economy, social and cultural issues and Polish achievements in sciences in biology and ecohydrology as well as computer science. This unique formula will takeour Chinese friends on fascinating scientific journey to Poland.

Dear University of Lodz Friends,
With pleasure I would like to invite You to join the Lodz University Summer School Understanding Poland: Economy, Society and Science. This Summer School is the first of this kind in Poland. Acknowledging the importance of strategic bilateral relations between Poland and China, as well as the relations between Lodz and other cities in China and the partners of the University of Lodz, strengthening cooperation in logistic with Chengdu-Lodz Express Way (Rong-Oukuai tie) we offer special summer school dedicated to the Chinese universities. The cooperation and better understanding is a crucial factor for having better and more effective relations between our nations. During 10 days of summer school at the University of Lodz students from China will posses better understanding and knowledge on Polish history, economy, social and cultural issues and Polish achievement in sciences in biology and ecohydrology. Moreover You will have a chance to discuss the bilateral relations between Poland and China in Chinese with our professors. This unique formula will bring you to the fascinating scientific trip to Poland.
The Summer School will start on Monday, 15th July and will last till 25th July. For the further information please check Summer School website.
Welcome to our University, welcome to Lodz
Antoni Różalski,
Rector of University of Lodz
朋友们,同学们 : 你们好!
安托尼 卢儒尔斯基

Being involved in China studies since 1998 I acknowledge the importance of mutual understanding and building channels for cooperation. In 1999 I started my studies at Shanghai International Studies University and since then I am learning China day by day. I remember my trip for more than 30 hours by train from Shenzhen to Shanghai. It gave me a lesson of Chinese complexity. It is a great journey through Chinese culture, economy, society and politics. Moreover I was a visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Science and I wrote my professorship book on the rhetoric of China’s diplomacy. Learning language is the most important issue for having better understanding. I am impressed by China’s development and achievements and the Summer School Understanding Poland: Economy, Society and Science gives a great chances to meet you all at the University of Lodz – one of the leading Universities in Poland. Welcome to Lodz!
Dominik Mierzejewski,
Head of Center of Asian Affairs