Po lewej stronie sylwetka studenta trzymającego cztery ksiązki w jednej ręce z plecakiem na plecach w dżinsowej kurce i białej koszulce, na środku czerwony napis "phd studies" w białej ramce na czerwonym tle, po prawej stronie wycinek globusa przedstawiającego region Azji Wschodniej, a w prawym górnym rogu biała strzałka wskazująca prawy górny róg

Ph.D. course in the Department of Asian Studies with the support of the CAA.

We invite everyone interested in broadening their perspectives on Asian issues to the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at the University of Lodz. Within the framework of conducted seminars, you can pursue doctoral projects in the discipline of political science and administration together with your academic supervisors:

Prof. Małgorzata Pietrasiak, integration and regionalization issues in East Asia and Southeast Asia, foreign and domestic policy of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, Russian-Chinese relations. Contact: malgorzata.pietrasiak@uni.lodz.pl.

Prof. Dominik Mierzejewski, Professor at University of Lodz: foreign and domestic policy of the People's Republic of China, the role of Chinese provinces in the decision-making process, China towards developing countries. Contact: dominik.mierzejewski@uni.lodz.pl.

Prof. Karol Żakowski, Professor at University of Lodz: foreign and domestic policy of Japan, decision-making process, Japanese political culture. Contact: karol.zakowski@uni.lodz.pl.

Prof. Grzegorz Bywalec, Professor at University of Lodz: foreign and domestic policy of India, economic development of India, political and financial decentralization in developing countries. Contact: grzegorz.bywalec@uni.lodz.pl.

Prof. Tomasz Kamiński, Professor at the University of Lodz: city diplomacy and paradiplomacy in international relations, foreign relations of the European Union, including in particular relations with Asian countries. Contact: tomasz.kaminski@uni.lodz.pl.

During your Ph.D. studies, you will be working with one of the best teams dealing with Asian policy in Poland and Central Europe. In addition, we offer participation in research grants, assistance in the preparation of grant proposals, trips within the East Asia Net consortium and internships at the Center for Asian Affairs of the University of Lodz.

If you are interested, please send your CV and a brief summary of your academic interests to the e-mail addresses of your supervisors and read the information on the website of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU!