Po lewej stronie osoba korzystająca z telefonu, na środku napis "Apply", a po prawej stronie student robiący notatki/On the left side a person using the telephone, in the center the inscription "Apply", and on the right side a student taking notes


Welcome to the page of Summer School: Understanding Poland: Economy, Society and Science organised by the University of Lodz and coordinated by the Center for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz!

The summer school Understanding Poland: Economy, Society and Science offered by the University of Lodz is the first of this kind in Poland. Acknowledging the importance of strategic bilateral relations between Poland and China, as well as the relations between Lodz and other cities in China and the partners of the University of Lodz, strengthening cooperation in logistic with Chengdu-Lodz Express Way (Rong-Oukuai tie) we offer special summer school dedicated to the Chinese universities. The cooperation and better understanding is a crucial factor for having better and more effective relations between our nations. During 10 days of summer school at the University of Lodz students from China will acquire better understanding and knowledge of Polish language, history, economy, social and cultural issues and Polish achievements in sciences in biology, ecohydrology, successful communication, design thinking as well as computer science. This unique formula will take our Chinese friends on a fascinating scientific journey to Poland.

Basic information:

Date: 15.07 – 25.07.2019
Place: University of Lodz
Language: English
Accommodation: free
Transportation from and to the airport: free
Tuitions fee: 420 EURO
Airfare: paid by the participants
Application deadline 15.04.2019

There is an obligatory module, which will introduce you to the basic situation in Poland throughout the historical, economical, sociological and bilateral relations perspective. It will also present Polish achievements in the field of mathematical sciences. To get more info, please click here!

There are five selective modules. To get more information about them, please choose from the list below:

  1. Insights into Polish economy, business and society
  2. Polish Science Achievements: Ecohydrology
  3. Design Thinking Workshop
  4. Successful Communication
  5. Computer Science

If you are interested to participate in summer school, please download and fill in an Application Form and send it to e-mail address: osa@uni.lodz.pl.

We are looking forward to see You all here in Lodz!

Ulotka szkoły letniej dla studentów z Chin w języku chińskim/Summer School Flyer for Chinese Students in Chinese





语言: 英文



必修模块(15学时):波兰语言, 历史、波兰经济、波兰科学及中国-波兰关系工作坊

调查与观光:罗兹城市博物馆; 皮利察河及斯帕瓦森林; 哥白尼科学中心 (华沙)



修完全部内容且成绩合格者将获得由罗兹大学颁发的结业证书,同时将授予欧洲高等教育学分体系承认的 ECTS 学分,该学分可用于日后申请欧洲高校学位或国际性实习。


请直接联络:齐利强 先生 (Mr Przemyslaw Ciborek)

报名截止日期: 2019年4月15号

Ulotka szkoły letniej dla studentów z Chin w języku chińskim/Summer School Flyer for Chinese Students in Chinese