Czerwona grafika debat azjatyckich z logami UŁ oraz innych współorganizatorów/Red graphics of Asian debates with logos of the University of Lodz and other co-organizers


In another "Asian Debate" of the University of Łódź's Center of Asian Affairs, the issue of paradiplomacy in Europe and Asia was discussed. The debate featured dr Joanna Modrzyńska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), mgr Natalia Matiaszczyk (University of Łódź) and mgr Michał Gzik (University of Łódź). Dr Joanna Ciesielska-Klikowska moderated the debate. During the conversation, participants explored the growing role of cities in international relations, from their goals and challenges to their influence on global politics. Participants also examine examples from South Korea and China, highlighting city diplomacy in cultural promotion, policy of memory, and initiatives like the Belt and Road.

The program partner is the Pulaski Foundation, and the media patron is Radio Łódź. The project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science under contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 from November 19, 2021; project title: "Asian Debates at the University of Łódź"; funding amount: PLN 45,665.40.

Audio credits: Kung Fusion – (Asian-sounding commercial track) by Astrofreq from Pixabay.


In the next "Asian Debate" of the University of Łódź's Asian Affairs Center, the topic of India's growing role in international relations was discussed. The debate featured Dr. hab. Agnieszka Kuszewska-Bohnert (Jagiellonian University), Dr. hab. Jakub Zajączkowski, Dr. Krzysztof Iwanek, and Dr. Patryk Kugiel (Polish Institute of International Affairs - PISM). The debate was moderated by Dr. hab. Grzegorz Bywalec (Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź). During the discussion, topics related to the latest events and India's internal and foreign policies were addressed, including India's stance on the war in Ukraine. Later in the conversation, the next steps of Prime Minister Modi's government were presented. The program partner is the Pulaski Foundation, and the media patron is Radio Łódź. The project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science under contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 from November 19, 2021; project title: "Asian Debates at the University of Łódź"; funding amount: PLN 45,665.40.


In this episode of „Asian Debates”, Dr Przemysław Ciborek and Raven Yip explore China's strategic use of narratives within the United Nations and the Group of 77 (G77). The episode delves into the significant differences in China’s diplomatic messaging when addressing security issues in these two forums by analysing over three thousand statements and speeches by Chinese officials. The discussion highlights how China tailors its approach to resonate with Global South countries, securing their support during critical votes on issues such as human rights. The episode also examines the implications of China's strategy of desecuritizing economic cooperation, which contrasts with the Western approach. Additionally, the podcast considers how this nuanced diplomatic practice affects China's bilateral relations with developing countries and the broader dynamics of international relations. Join us in uncovering the complexities of China's diplomacy at the UN and its impact on global governance.

Link to the document.



In the next episode of "Asian Debates" organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz "CEE Politicians’ Perspectives on China", Kara Němečková (; CHOICE), Joanna Nawrotkiewicz (CAA University of Lodz non-resident research fellow) and Filip Šebok (; CHOICE) discuss on the current CEE politicians’ perspective on China with particular reference to party-to-party relations. The discussion is being moderated by Professor Dominik Mierzejewski (CAA University of Lodz Chair). In the first part the topics discussed in the debate revolve around centralization of power in China and its possible influence in the CEE region. Second part has been devoted to the topic of perception of the CCP’s engagements with political parties of the CEE region in particular countries such as Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Last part was regarding the issue of COVID-19 narratives and the possible influence of the Chinese propaganda on the societies of aforementioned countries. Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40.



In the next episode of "Asian Debates" organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz, "China-Africa: geopolitics, informality and business", dr. Lauren Johnston (University of Sydney), dr. Joshua Eisenman (University of Notre Dame) and dr. Dominik Kopiński (University of Wrocław) discuss the current context of China's relations with Africa. Dominik Mierzejewski is moderating the discussion. In the first part, the topics discussed in the debate revolve around China's motivations and goals in Africa. Dr Johnston listed the economic cooperation, while dr. Eisenman introduced the political spheres of cooperation and party-to-party relations. Dr Kopiński discussed his research studies in Zambia and Angola. The discussion touches on the issues of China's multilateralism of FOCAC, soft power in Africa, relations with elites and limited knowledge and technology transfer from China to Africa. Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40.


In this episode of the “Asian Debates” Mateusz Chatys introduces the position of the Philippines at the heart of the Sino-American rivalry. With the victory of the presidential election in 2016 by Rodrigo Duterte, there was a reorientation of the foreign policy of the Philippines. The government in Manila has adopted a clientelistic attitude towards Beijing in exchange for support in implementing infrastructure projects in the country and strengthening economic cooperation. However, the unfulfilled promises of the Chinese side led to a warming of relations between Manila and Washington towards the end of Duterte's presidency. While most commentators expected a return to pro-China politics with the victory of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in May 2022, the former dictator's son's first six months of the presidency showed closer relations between treaty allies. The medium powers also play an increasingly important role in the rivalry of superpowers, the best example of which is the development of security cooperation between the Philippines and Japan. What is the current position of the Philippines in the Sino-American rivalry in Southeast Asia? Please check our latest podcast.

Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40.



In this episode of the “Asian Debates” Przemysław Ciborek introduces the growing activity of People’s Republic of China Ambassadors in Romania and Bulgaria. China’s economic results in 2021 pushed Beijing to actively promote some elements of the Chinese governance model regarding COVID-19 containment. The growing disappointment within the Central and Eastern European countries regarding the China-CEEC Cooperation mechanism (17+1) impacted China’s soft power abilities in the region. Chinese diplomacy tried to use COVID-19 containment methods as a „product” to be imported by certain European countries to limit the damage of political and economic frustration in the CEE region and boost bilateral relations in the long run. The newest developments in China, resulting in loosening restrictions after the series of protests within China as well as the growing infection rate undermine China’s credibility and effectiveness regarding virus containment. What were the key messages to European society? Please check our latest podcast.

Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40.



In the next episode of “Asian Debates” organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz “How to manage China’s rise?”, dr Panda (Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) and Editor), dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy (Assistant Professor, National Dong Hwa University) and dr. Jakub Jakóbowski (deputy director of the Centre for Eastern Studies) discuss on the current context of the rising China with particular reference to the future of globalization and relations between the West and China. The discussion is being moderated by prof. Dominik Mierzejewski. In the first part the topics discussed in the debate revolve around China’s normative influences in Taiwan, India and Central and Eastern Europe. Dr. Ferenczy listed the challenges for the future of Taiwan, dr. Panda introduced the possible role of India in shaping “like-minded” countries coalition and dr. Jakóbowski discussed the China-led multilateralism in Central Europe. The discussion touches the problems of Sino-Russia relations and the evolving position of the Western Europe, the semiconductor industry as the security insurance for the government in Taipei and the role of India in the process of rebalancing the globalization. Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40. Audio credits: Kung Fusion – (Asian sounding commercial track) by Astrofreq from Pixabay


In the next episode of "Asian Debates" organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz “Paradiplomacy in and with Asia”, Tomasz Kamiński, Joanna Ciesielska-Klikowska (University of Lodz) and Anna Rudakowsa (Tamkang University) discuss the role paradiplomacy in international politics. The discussion is being moderated by Dominik Mierzejewski. The topics discussed in the debate revolve around the theoretical approaches to subnational diplomacy and the practical dimension of the cooperation between European Union, China and Taiwan. The second part of the debate analyzes the role of subnational actors during the COVID-19 pandemic and the future of international politics with special regard to the role of regional governments.  In the last section the future of international relations from the perspective of glocalization has been discussed.  

Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40.  

Audio credits: Kung Fusion – (Asian sounding commercial track) by Astrofreq from Pixabay. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.


In the next episode of "Asian Debates" organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz "Post-pandemic Sino-American reconfiguration in East Asia", professor Robert Sutter (Sigur Center, George Washington University), professor Zhiqun Zhu (Bucknell University) and professor Dominik Mierzejewski (University of Lodz) discuss on the current situation in East Asia with particular reference to Sino-American interactions. The discussion is being moderated by Grzegorz Stec (MERICS, Berlin). In the first part the topics discussed in the debate revolve around the COVID-19 pandemic and the change of the administration in the United States affected the US-China relations in East Asia, then professor Sutter introduces the historical continuation in Sino-American relations, professor Zhiqun Zhu discusses Beijing’s attempt at responding to perceived encirclement by US-led initiatives, at building a China-led coalition of states dissatisfied with the international order. Dominik Mierzejewski analyzes the domestic agenda driving China’s policy towards the US or is the perceived, “historically unavoidable” clash with the US informing Beijing’s domestic policies – e.g. dual circulation. 
Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40. 
Audio credits: Kung Fusion – (Asian sounding commercial track) by Astrofreq from Pixabay. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.


In this episode of the "Asian Debates", Dominik Mierzejewski talks with Małgorzata Jakimów about her book "China's citizenship challenge: Labour NGOs and the struggle for migrant workers' rights" published by the Manchester University Press. The discussion starts with a brief overview of the methodology and challenges Małgorzata Jakimów faced during her interviews in China. She discusses the hukou system and its influence on labour rights. The next part concerns the three different examples of cities, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hangzhou and their approaches to migrant workers. The discussion also touches on the problem of strikes and protests and the role of Hong Kong in promoting labour rights in Southern China. Finally, she presents her views on the "common prosperity" slogan and the future of labour rights in China. Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In the third episode of "Asian Debates" organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz “China-Russia in Post-Soviet Space” Una Berzina-Cerenkova (Riga Stradins University) and Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Glasgow) discuss the relations between China and Russia from the perspective of both powers and the international scene and especially in post-Soviet space. The discussion is being moderated by Dominik Mierzejewski (University of Lodz). 

The topics discussed in the debate revolve around the historical status of China-Russia relations as well as their relations after the Cold War. The next part of the debate has devoted the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and relations between Beijing and Moscow over the current situation and the future possible scenarios. 

Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40. 


In this episode of the “Asian Debates,” Marcin Socha talks with Dominik Mierzejewski about his book “China’s Provinces and the Belt and Road Initiative”. Mierzejewski explains the major rationale behind the book and his understanding of the BRI: continuation of the domestic politics and part of the horizontal competition managed by the central government. Then, Mierzejewski shares his observations from the interviews conducted in Heilongjiang, Yunnan, Chongqing, Sichuan and Guangdong. It is always a dilemma how to frame the questions and how to understand the answers – also between lines – as was said in the discussion. The yearly reports delivered in the Local People's Congresses by using different types of labels such as "central era", "bridgehead", "radiation centre", "pawn" or "linking/bonding point" have discussed the self-given roles within the BRI and discusses special "local" BRI projects, levels of adoption and willingness for further integration with pan-regional integration projects, mainly Yangzi River Economic Belt, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area or limiting to its backyard, as in Guangdong, presents either a lukewarm or enthusiastic approach to the BRI. The final point discussed the importance of the provinces in China’s foreign policy as illustrated by Sichuan-China-Japan relations. The relations from the local level serve as the incentive and play important role in managing the guanxi network. In 2019, for example., the LDP policymaker was from the Shisuikai (志帅会) bloc of Toshihiro Nikai the former Minister for the Economy, Trade and Industry who has always been a significant driving force behind cooperation with mainland China. Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In the first episode of "Asian Debates" organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz “The Role of Europe and Southeast Asia in Indo-Pacific”, David Camroux (SciencePro, Paris), Bill Hayton (Chatham, London) and William Choong (ISEAS, Singapore) discuss on the role of the European Union and ASEAN in the context of the response to American policy towards the Indo-Pacific. The discussion is being moderated by Grzegorz Stec (MERICS, Berlin). The topics discussed in the debate revolve around the possibility of economic cooperation and economic incentives from the European side. The next part of the debate is devoted to the issue of Taiwan and the reaction of the People's Republic of China to American and European policies in the region. 

Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40. 


In this episode of the “Asian Debates” Dominik Mierzejewski and Joanna Nawrotkiewicz discuss the commonalities and differences within the three historical resolutions in China. 2021 marks the centennial anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. In November, the Central Committee issued so-called historical resolution, which was only the third in its history. The document was named “Resolution of the Central Committee of the CCP on Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle”. Writing and rewriting history has always been a challenging process. Through drafting the document, the central leadership can check how fast it can proceed with centralization or decentralization of power and check what kind of history might be included in the resolution in order not to damage the existing consensus within the party. Moreover, the resolutions are aimed at convincing party officials, as well as the wider population regarding the future direction for development. Interestingly, the last resolution does not criticize the previous paramount figures. Xi, Mao and Deng are considered glorious because they led the country to achieve “the tremendous transformation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong”. Casimir Pulaski Foundation is the official partner of the project. Radio Łódź took care of media patronage. The funds for implementing this project come from the Ministry of Education and Science based on contract no. SONP/SP/514138/2021 of November 18, 2021; project name "Asian Debates of the University of Lodz"; Funds (PLN): 45,665.40. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In TalkingChina#11 Dominik Mierzejewski discusses the Chinese foreign policy principle of qiutong cunyi “seek common ground leaving aside existing differences” and its relations to the growing military involvement in China’s decision making process. As president Xi Jinping declared “The historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland must be fulfilled and can definitely be fulfilled,” the Chinese government faces the dilemma of how to resolve this perennial issue and how to conduct relations with Taiwan in what Xi Jinping has named the “new era”? This problem is even more evident as China’s Xi Jinping is portrayed as a powerful, even omnipotent leader, which could ironically leave the Chinese president with less room to maneuver with regard to reunification. As argued by Mierzejewski the growing role of military forces might change the balance of power inside the Communist Party of China and may challenge the existing the status quo. In this context, militarization of China’s political system might be a possibility, but whether Xi Jinping needs this before the next Party Congress in 2022 is open to debate. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In Talking Japan #6 Marcin Socha discusses first steps in foreign policy made by the new Japanese prime minister Suga Yoshihide. Suga who is a former Chief Cabinet Secretary announced he will be following policy directions introduced by former PM Abe, but doesn’t have much experience in foreign policy. In October Suga made his international debut at the QUAD summit in Tokyo which was followed by a visit in South-East Asia. New Japanese administration used both events to promote the Initiative of Free and Open Indo-Pacific, which has a clear anti-Chinese edge. The podcast tries to answer the question on the future of Japan’s policy towards China. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In Talking China #6 Prof. Dominik Mierzejewski discusses the role of horizontal competition in international activities of Sichuan province and Chongqing municipality. The very first international cooperation of both was stimulated by the horizontal competition of rail freight transportation to Europe. Hewlett Packard, Foxconn and Chongqing government lobbied for a rail connection with Duisburg, while Dell and Chengdu asked the central government for the support of Chengdu-Lodz railway. Then the second important part of Sichuan and Chongqing international outreach is incentivizing the foreign business and political elites. In the case of Chengdu, it was Japan and Italy, while in the case of Chongqing Singapore, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. The podcast is based on the research supported by the National Science Center „The role of local governments in China’s foreign policy” UMO-2017/25/B/HS5/02117. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In Talking Japan #5 Marcin Socha discusses the legacy of Prime Minister Abe Shinzō in Japan’s foreign policy. Abe who is the longest-serving prime minister in the history of Japan has shown an unusually strong interest in foreign policy. During his second term his administration made continuous efforts to improve relations with neighboring countries. Despite those efforts and in some cases favorable circumstances, we cannot find a breakthrough in the most important diplomatic directions. With falling public support and no potential accomplishments in foreign policy on the horizon, we should expect that the legacy of prime minister Abe Shinzō will not be as impressive as we could have hoped. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In Talking China #5 professor Mierzejewski discusses the role of Guangdong and the city of Guangzhou in China’s economic diplomacy. The interaction between East and West occurred fairly early on in this southern part of China and played a crucial function in shaping China’s economic and social development. The first part presents the international outreach of Guangdong and Guangzhou via sister-cities platforms and local level multilateralism. Both have very practical dimensions: the Southern province is exploring foreign markets and looking for external recourses to develop the local economy. The second part illustrates the international trade, dependency on international markets and investments sponsored by the local companies e.g. Kra Canal in Thailand. Finally, Mierzejewski touches the problems faced by the local high-tech champions in the time of the US-China Trade War and the possible solutions that might bring double inclusive-exclusive outcomes for the future of the Chinese economy. The podcast is based on the research supported by the National Science Center „The role of local governments in China’s foreign policy” UMO-2017/25/B/HS5/02117. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



Coronavirus epidemic turned out to be a demanding test for the Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzō. Marcin Socha in Talking Japan #4 talks about the second wave of the epidemic and discusses preventive measures introduced on the local and central level. The podcast starts with describing the Japanese state of emergency and the economic relief package, which has been heavily criticized by the Japanese opposition. The Japanese government made a series of questionable decisions, some of which turned out to be PR disasters. As a result, public support for the current government is dwindling and Prime Minister himself has to deal with growing opposition within the ruling Liberal-Democratic Party and coalition partner Komeito. Please check UŁ-podcast below or on the website.




Heilongjiang is a beautiful place with massive territories, complicated histories and great potential. Mierzejewski in Talking China #4 explains the relations between China and Russia at the local level with particular regard to the role of Heilongjiang province. The podcast starts with presenting the current situation with the Coronavirus when the city of Harbin, beautiful place, full of the XIX Century histories is on the lockdown. Then prof. Mierzejewski debates the three dimensions of the Sino-Russian border governance and Heilongjiang province role in state relations: first, the historical dimensions and common perceptions, second Heilongjiang provincial plans and investments in the Russian Far East and third the case of Heihe Blagoveshchensk cooperation. The primary argument is based on the fact that the Belt and Road Initiative as the big national project has stimulated cordial relations between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin and by this mean pushed Heilongjiang into the Russian hand. The same time it limits provincial cooperation with Japan and South Korea. The podcast is based on the research supported by the National Science Center „The role of local governments in China’s foreign policy”UMO-2017/25/B/HS5/02117. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



In January 2020, before the Coronavirus outbreak, Xi Jinping paid the first foreign trip to Myanmar. Both sides signed 33 agreements and MOUs, and China promised to invest in multibillion-dollar infrastructure projects. But, the question is who is a major player in Sino-Myanmar relations? The answer is the provincial-level government in Yunnan. Prof. Mierzejewski in Talking China #3 discusses the roles of Yunnan province in China’s policy towards Myanmar and continental South-East Asia. The first point is based on bridgehead concept delivered by Hu Jintao, the second touch the economic interactions mainly based on infrastructure projects and productivity cooperation and finally the role of a political platform for ceasefire talks between competing forces in Upper Myanmar. The podcast concludes the majority of policies towards Myanmar are not created by the government in Beijing, but rather are prepared by local authorities in Kunming and ones the lobbying in the central government is successful the policy turns into national. The podcast is based on the research supported by the National Science Center „The role of local governments in China’s foreign policy”UMO-2017/25/B/HS5/02117. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



The third Talking Japan podcast is the first recording from the series on changes in Japan’s energy policy. Marcin Socha talks about the origins of Japanese nuclear energy program and introduces the term „nuclear village”. Nuclear village describes representatives of pro-nuclear groups whose priority is to expand the nuclear power in Japan at all costs. The aim of the podcast is to provide listeners with background information o n the most important players participating in the discourse on nucler power in Japan. Please check UŁ-podcast below or on the website.



Center for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz starts the short discussions on China and Japan titled Talking China and Talking Japan. Prof. Mierzejewski is in charge of China’s stories and Marcin Socha Ph.D., the research fellow at the Center for Asian Affairs, will talk about Japan. We welcome all of you to listen to us and learn more about contemporary Asia. The second Talking Japan podcast examines Japan’s interests in the Middle East and how they are being threatened by the latest dispute between Iran and the United States. Marcin Socha compares the current diplomatic crisis with the situation that Japanese policymakers had to face during the First Gulf War. Administration of Prime Minister Abe Shinzō is trying to protect the history of good relations with Iran and at the same time act as a reliable ally of the United States. Please check UŁ-podcast below or on the website.



Professor Mierzejewski in Talking China#2 discusses the interpretations of the central government-sponsored policy of Belt and Road at the provincial level. In the first part he presents the definition of bridgehead/桥头堡 and checker/排头兵frequently use by the provincial level governments. The core question addressed here touches the different interpretations and contextualization of BRI in different regions of China, and it does so by analysing yearly governmental reports presented in front of Local People’s Congresses. By making the comparison Mierzejewski argues that, in different regions of China, the first-tier local governments use different strategies to gain more from the center and, by horizontal competition, position themselves in the newly formed political agenda and at the same time plays the critical role in China’s economic growth. The podcast is based on the research supported by National Science Center „The role of local governments in China’s foreign policy” (UMO-2017/25/B/HS5/02117). Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



Center for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz starts the short discussions on China and Japan titled Talking China and Talking Japan. Prof. Mierzejewski is in charge of China’s stories and Marcin Socha Ph.D., the research fellow at the Center for Asian Affairs, will talk about Japan. We welcome all of you to listen to us and learn more about contemporary Asia. The first Talking Japan discusses the difficult process of rebuilding ties between Tokyo and Beijing. Dr Socha underlines the importance of some of the complexities in the decision-making process in Japan’s policy towards China. The podcast explains how the growing international criticism of Beijing resulting from the recent Hong-Kong protests can become a problem for Japanese plans of creating closer cooperation with China. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.



Center for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz starts the short discussions on China and Japan titled Talking China and Talking Japan. Prof. Mierzejewski is in charge of China’s stories and Marcin Socha Ph.D., the research fellow at the Center for Asian Affairs, will talk about Japan. We welcome all of you to listen to us and learn more about contemporary Asia. The first Talking China discusses the dynamics in the People’s Republic of China over the last 70 years. Prof. Mierzejewski debates the historical continuity in domestic affairs: mass mobilization campaigns, the transition of power, and localism, in the foreign affairs the common denominators are as follow: equality and post-Opium War trauma, cultural understanding of tianxia and finally economic development. In the end, prof. Mierzejewski explains the meaning of the old Chinese phrase 三十年河东 三十年河西. Please check UŁ-Podcast below or on the website.