Po lewej stronie klocek ze znakiem zapytania, na środku napis "FAQ", a po prawej stronie studenci podczas wykładu/On the left side a block with a question mark, in the middle the inscription "FAQ", on the right side students during the lecture


Yes. If you are not able to take part in class you need to inform a volunteer who is a group supervisor of your module. 

No. All necessary equipment will be provided during classes. 

Certificates will be given on the last day of the summer school. 

The University of Lodz is one of the leading universities in Poland, an European country known for such famous people as Copernicus, Chopin and Marie Sklodowska-Curie. Founded in 1945, it now has 12 faculties. At our University, we enjoy an international atmosphere – our students come from about 95 different countries. We also host the famous School of Polish for Foreigners – the oldest and most recognized institution of this kind in Poland. The  interest  in studying  at  the University of  Lodz  is  determined not only by high quality of  instruction,  but  also by modern programmes of study offered in Polish, English and French, adapted to the changing demands of the labour market. The  most popular courses held  in  English  include: Economics, Computer Science, Business Management, and many more.  


Yes. All participents must send us arrival detail (date, hour, flight numer) as soon as it is possible. 

You need to inform organizers as soon as it is possible and introduce details about changes. 

Volunteers of Summer School will be waiting at the airport in arrival hall, and after completing the group, everyone will be brought by bus to the university campus. 

Each volunteer will be wearing a T-shirt with a word „volunteer”. They will also have a plaque with the title „summer school” in English and Chinese. 

No. Pickup will be provided only from the Warsaw airport on designated days and hours (detailed information about the days and hours will be announced after the recruitment). 

Yes. All participant can be transferred to the Warsaw airport by bus from university campus.  

No, but you need to inform organizers about such possibility.  


All students will be accommodated in dormitories in double rooms.

Yes. In each room there is a bathroom with shower, sink and toilet. 

No. According to dormitory regulations there is no such possibility to share room with a person of another sex. 

No. We will establish pairs for each room which will be based on belonging to the same University. 

WiFi connection is available in the lobby of each dormitory near reception desk. 

Yes. All students will be provided with three meals a day.


The full payment must be made by 19th of March. 

Payment can be made by bank transfer (account number will be provided by separate e-mail). 

Yes. All payments will be confirmed by an e-mail. 


All students from China need a visa to study in Poland. 

You can apply for a visa in Polish Ambassy (http://beijing.mfa.gov.pl/zh/sprawy_konsularne/visa_issues/application/).

You should apply a visa as soon as you have paid your tuition fees. The visa process can last up to 15 days. 

You should apply for Training / Education Exchange Visa. This visa is given for a period of the stay up to 90 days within 180 days. 

You should prepare visa application form, passport or other travell document and one copy of the indentification page, ID (original and copy), original „Hukou” with copies of all pages, travel medical insurance, original and one copy of the certificate, flight reservation, travel program (itinerary), invitation letter by the Voivodship (which we will provide you). All needed information you can find here http://beijing.mfa.gov.pl/zh/sprawy_konsularne/visa_issues/application/.

Your invitation letter will be issued at the time we will receive the course fee. All of the invitation letters will be sent to your university international cooperation office.


Yes, but it should be VISA, MasterCard or UnionPay.

Yes, but you should bring Euro or US dollars. 

The most important thing are: cash (Euro or US dollars), adapter for an electrical outlet (European), comfortable shoes, umbrella, personal hygiene products, bath towel.