Po lewej stronie osoba robiąca notatki, na środku napis "Selective modules", a po prawej stronie studenci podczas wykładu/On the left side a person taking notes, in the middle the inscription "Selective modules", and on the right side students during the lecture


Polish Science Achievements: Ecohydrology

Ecohydrology (EH) is a transdisiplinary and integrative sustainability problem solving science that seeks to understand the ecological processes controlled by the hydrological cycle. The theoretical and empirical background to the principles of Ecohydrology were developed by professor Maciej Zalewski with a team from the Department of Applied Ecology of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection University of Lodz,  and the international collaborators in the framework of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme. The water budget – ecosystem distribution at a catchment scale, is considered in ecohydrology as a framework for the regulation of processes to enhance of Water, Biodiveristy, ecosystem Services (e.g. food, fuel), ecosystem Resilience and Cultural heritage (WBRS+C) (Zalewski 2014). Such a multidimentional goal for catchment management is the fundamental condition for the transition from exploitative to sustainable resource use, incorporating innovative tools as “Nature Based Solutions” and a systemic approach compatible with the “Circular and Bio-Economy”.

The module offered for Summer School is the introduction to the ULO Master Course in Ecohydrology that aims to create highly specialized professionals in the area of Ecohydrology (EH). The module links ecology and hydrology and shows how  to use it as a management tool for protection and management of the natural environment. The module is placed in context  of modern methods and ecological biotechnologies, and with consideration of current environmental policy. Programme is also available within ERASMUS MUNDUS Master of Science in Ecohydrology (ECOHYD, www.ecohydmaster.org).

The module consist of five special lectures and workshops with additional fields studies:

  1. Ecohydrology
  2. Urban ecohydrology – case studies in Lodz
  3. Phytotechnologies and phytoremediation – ecohydrology tools
  4. Environmental/landscape planning – focus on river basin management and river restoration
  5. Ecotoxicology



生态水文学是生态学和水文学的交叉学科,主要研究地球上水和生态系统相互作用关系。罗兹大学的生态水文学专业是由Maciej Zalewski教授领衔,协同罗兹大学生物与环境学院应用生态学系共同打造的。该专业同时加入了联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)的水文计划。生态水文学的重点研究领域是环境中植物-水分相互作用,包括蒸腾、植物水分利用策略、植物对水环境的适应、植被对河流流量和功能的影响,以及生态生理过程与水文循环之间的相互作用机制。暑期学校期间,将通过多样的课程介绍,来增进学生在生态水文学(EH)领域的了解。该模块将通过跨学科的方法,将生态学和水文学联系起来,通过现代化的生态及生物技术,结合当前的环境政策,来为学生讲授如何将其作为保护和管理自然环境的工具。此外,该课程同样对伊拉斯谟计划的理学硕士学位课程的同学们申请(代码为ECOHYD, www.ecohydmaster.org)。


  1. 生态水文学
  2. 城市生态水文学(罗兹的案例)
  3. 植物技术和植物修复
  4. 环境/景观规划(流域管理和河流恢复)
  5. 生态毒理学