Seminarium z udziałem Joela Ng z RSIS

The Centre for Asian Affairs of the University of Lodz had the pleasure of hosting Dr Joel Ng from the Singaporean think-tank S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), who gave a lecture on the theoretical perspectives on the geopolitical situation in the Indo-Pacific region. During the seminar, issues related to the role of Singapore in the era of intensifying Sino-American tensions and the perception of the Russian invasion of Ukraine by the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) were also discussed.

Dwóch prelegentów podczas seminarium w sali kominkowej pałacu Bidermanna/Two speakers during a seminar in the fireplace room of the Bidermann PalaceDwóch prelegentów podczas seminarium w sali kominkowej pałacu Bidermanna oraz słuchacze na widowni/Two speakers during a seminar in the fireplace room of the Bidermann Palace and listeners in the audience