Dr Beczkowska wzięła udział w Forum w Krynicy

Dr. Joanna Beczkowska was invited to the Krynica Forum 2023. On September 14, the Polish-Korean Forum was held, opened by President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister of South Korea Han Duck-soo. The forum was attended by experts from Poland and Korea, as well as representatives of the Polish government. The topics discussed included cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, energy, transport and defense. Prospects for cooperation in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine were also discussed. Dr. Beczkowska participated in the panel "War, economy, trade. Polish-Korean economic relations in the new geopolitical situation." Poland and South Korea are at a breakthrough moment in building a strategic partnership, and the most important task for both sides is now to define areas of cooperation and develop lasting cooperation mechanisms that will ensure its continuity despite a change of power in one of the countries.

Dwóch mężczyzn i dwie kobiety siedzą przy dwóch stolikach na scenie podczas Forum w Krynicy/Two men and two women are sitting at two tables on the stage during the Forum in Krynica